I can teach you how to stop drinking + reinvent yourself. Both can be done quickly, if you're truly ready.
In the Fall of 2022, we Conservatives find ourselves holding a crappy hand. Sky high energy costs + record inflation + unstable geo-political & economic futures = VERY stressful times for everyone.
I feel strongly that in these tough times, people need to stick together and keep ourselves (and America) first. This is especially true now; the heavy handed CV-19 lockdowns of the last two years destroyed our sense of community & connection. I want to fix that & do some good at the same time.
Put simply, our Conservative group coaching programs serve multiple purposes.
1) Group coaching programs are more financially affordable for most people than One-on-One personal coaching coaching sessions.
2) Unlike our One-on-One coaching (which focuses 100% on you), our group coaching allows you to learn from the healing processes of everyone in the group.
3) You get the shared strength & support that comes with a team – one where everyone shares common experiences & common goals.
4) Becoming invested in other people’s growth process will help keep you inspired & motivated. Hearing other’s successes will remind you that reinvention, redemption and true success are not only possible, but attainable.
Designed to be a safe, sane & non-judgmental space for all Patriots & Conservatives, our Fall coaching programs begin November 1, 2022.
“The Sober Patriot: Level One” is a 30-day Group Coaching program, designed to get you to your first sobriety benchmark.
“Level One” is the first of three Levels in “The Sober Patriot” program; for most people, new habits & new behaviors are formed between 66-90 days.
Whether you are already free from alcohol (but struggling with life/reality) or brand new to life without the bottle, we feel confident that our 90-day foundational process of alcohol removal & retraining will bring about positive, lasting changes.
Here is The Big Picture view of “The Sober Patriot” program…
30 days at a time, small groups (under 15 patriots) will be led through the expedited process of:
1) accepting your drinking problem without attachments or guilt
2) coming to peace with the reasons why you drink
3) developing a strategy for eliminating drinking from your life
4) implementing that strategy, and finding stability in a daily routine
5) adjusting your diet, lifestyle and supplementation to ensure success
1) “The Sober Patriot: Level One” includes 1 session per week, per student. Please expect an average session length of 2 hours, per session. Expect roughly 45 minutes of teaching + 75 minutes of group work, sharing and Q&A. In addition, there will be homework assignments each week that are key to a student’s development & process of sobriety.
2) “The Sober Patriot: Level One” will be offered at multiple times, on multiple days per week, in order to work around student’s schedules.
3) Depending on the mix of potential students, I may run separate groups for men and women. If this appeals to you, please let me know.
4) In order to maintain discretion, privacy & a safe, productive environment, all admissions to “The Sober Patriot: Level One” group coaching program are by personal interview & invitation only.
5) All applicants will spend at least 30 minutes with me on the phone to ensure that you’re the right fit for this program. Fair warning, not everyone will be.
6) Finally, “The Sober Patriot” group coaching program is a paid program. It has been priced with compassion & awareness of everyone’s current situation. Considering what you spend monthly on booze already, I think you’ll find the cost of the program to be quite reasonable.
7) That said, one person per group will be given a deep discount on the cost of the program – think of it as a partial scholarship. It will be given out on a merit basis, again through a phone interview. I will be tougher on you than anyone else in the group, just so you know.
8) On our free call, ask me about The Bonus Package that all students get!
If you are ready to schedule a free consultation regarding entry into “The Sober Patriot: Level One”, CLICK HERE to go to my Coaching appointment calendar
simply email me at – use the keyword “BOOZE” in the subject line of the email, please.
I believe that in the year 2022, Humanity is in a collective state of mourning. In just over 2 years, nearly all areas of our lives have drastically changed, and in most cases, not for the better.
It is my belief think we can all feel these losses on multiple levels, and are acting in reaction to them in a manner similar to The Kubler/Ross “5 Stages” model around grief & grieving. When we lose someone (or something) of importance, we all seem to go through the same mental & emotional process…
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression & acceptance – in that order.
“The Patriot Reinvention Program” is for those Conservatives & Patriots who are in the “acceptance” part of the grief process, and are ready to move smartly forward regardless of what the future holds for us.
In a little over 6 weeks, “The Patriot Reinvention Program” will help you re-evaluate & re-frame every single aspect of your entire life.
1) The Body (diet, supplementation, exercise, self-care)
2) The Mind (data/input management, organization, mental health)
3) The Soul (managing God, your relationships & your Awakening process)
4) The Past (closing chapters, forgiveness & letting go)
5) The Future (now that everything has changed, who are you?)
Trust me, you’ve never done anything like this before…
I can’t guarantee you that you will be a completely different person at the end of “The Patriot Reinvention Program”. However, I will promise that you will have a brand new, honest take on your current self + you’ll be provided with a comprehensive set of directions on how to quickly change your life.
If you have a burning desire to change, this program is for you.
If you feel like you’re putting off doing really important things in your life, this program is REALLY for you.
If you know you’re not living in alignment with your Life’s Highest Purpose & want things to change for the better, this is the program you’ve been waiting for.
If you want to be at the best you possibly can be during the turbulent years ahead, then “The Patriot Reinvention Program” just might be the most important Group Coaching program you’ll ever find.
1) “The Patriot Reinvention Program” includes 1 session per week, per student. Please expect an average length of 90-120 minutes, per session.
Expect roughly 45 minutes of teaching/lectures + 75 minutes of group work, sharing and Q&A. In addition, there will be homework assignments each week that are key to a student’s development & process of reinvention.
2) “The Patriot Reinvention Program” will be offered at multiple times, on multiple days per week, in order to work around student’s schedules.
3) Depending on the mix of potential students, I may run separate groups for men and women. If this appeals to you, please let me know.
4) In order to maintain discretion, privacy & a safe, sane productive environment, all admissions to “The Patriot Reinvention Program” are by personal interview & invitation only.
5) All applicants will spend anywhere from 30-60 minutes on the phone with me to ensure that the applicant is the right fit for the program. Fair warning, not everyone will be accepted.
6) “The Patriot Reinvention Program” is a paid program. It has been priced with compassion & a heightened awareness of our current reality.
7) That said, one person per group will be given a deep, deep discount on the cost of the “Patriot Reinvention Program”. It will be given out on a merit basis, again through a phone interview. Please know that if I select you for a scholarship placement in a group, I will be tougher on you than anyone else;).
If you are ready to schedule a free consultation regarding entry into “The Patriot Reinvention Program”, CLICK HERE to go to my Coaching appointment calendar
simply send me an email to – use the keyword “REINVENT” in the subject line of the email, please.
I’m looking forward to helping you reinvent yourself…
Great Awake Coach