(WINTER 2021)
Greetings from the desert of Southern California, Dear Reader. I hope this period of time finds you as happy & as healthy as both you & your circumstances allow.
I’d like to take a moment and remind you how quickly things have changed over the last 9 months, since the installation of whatever regime currently “runs” the United States. You’ve watched the plan to destroy America get kicked into high gear, attempting to make up for the delay of the last 4 years – and make no mistake, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Even further, I’d like for you to consider just how quickly things have changed since late October of 2019, when the globalist plans of Event 201, COV-ID 19 & The Great Reset went live. “You will own nothing, and you will like it”, said Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum.
Now let’s stretch a bit, and remember where we were as a nation in 2016, and how far we came in just four years – despite a non-stop assault of propaganda, deep state antics & the true weaponization/activation of Mainstream Media.
We had begun to run the country as a business, protected our borders and adjusted our global priorities to a policy of “America First”, all proving to be wildly successful strategies. In the process, we uncovered a great deal of the evil hiding behind the curtain(s) of NYC, DC, Hollywood, Rome, London and other unspoken locations of power.
By November of 2020, it felt like we had made so much progress that the tide had turned, and victory was assured. We were on the verge of a landslide victory, and a reinvention of not only the US, but of the world… but that wouldn’t have woken anyone up, would it?
No, it wouldn’t have. Many would have gone right back to sleep, or even worse, never awakened at all. We would have continued to farm out the responsibility of our finance, government & children to the same people that got us to this dark place.
For several decades, we took our hands off the wheel and let the most corrupt & controllable drive for us. This Great Awakening process not only awakens the General Population, but it forces them to retake the wheel, and reclaim control over both their individual lives, and our collective reality.
I have said for many years that in its entirety, this Great Awakening event process would take a decade and some change. My belief has only strengthened since March of 2020.
Q: How do you turn around a cruise ship with 7.5 billion people on it, going 1700 mph in the wrong direction, without killing half the passengers and destroying the ship?
A: Very, very slowly and extremely carefully.
Many people who couldn’t tell anything was wrong in 2012, 2017 or even 2019 now know that as of the Fall of 2021…
nearly everything is wrong.
To me, that’s progress. Tough, slow and dark – but progress, nonetheless. It is neither easy or pleasant to live through – especially if you’re already awake. It is not meant to be subtle, or pleasant – rather, it’s a slow motion Titanic
For those of us that have been triple espresso-level awake for a decade +, this Great Awakening of Humanity feels like torture. And for that, I’m sorry. But in the end, you will understand why it had to take so long. The stakes are higher than many can imagine.
All that said, regardless of how long you’ve been on this bumpy ride, I’m asking you to hang on just a little bit longer please.
You’re not on this website by accident. If you’re here, it’s more than likely you have a significant role to play in this GA process – regardless of what you think that looks like.
As we all know, the smallest, most seemingly insignificant act can open minds, heal old wounds and change lives.
Maybe you won’t be on TV, maybe you won’t have a million followers on social media…
but maybe you’ll convince someone not to jump.
Maybe you’ll offer the unconditional love & compassion someone needs to move forward, or to carry on when all seems hopeless.
When everyone else is falling apart, maybe you’ll be the calmest one in the room.
After years of division, maybe you’ll be the one who brings the family back together again.
Only you will know what your role is in all this, and only you will know when and how you’re going to play that role out.
This brings me to my final, and maybe most important point of this writing.
Many of your might feel that your true role in this Great Awakening process happens after The Event/The Storm. I know that many of you who have been awake for a long (or longer) period of time are tired, if not exhausted, on several levels. Whether it’s emotional, physical or spiritual, almost all of us are tired.
That being said, will you be too exhausted to play your role if this show continues for another 3, 6, or 9 months? What can you do right now to increase your endurance and your strength on all levels right now? I’m glad you asked;)…
I’m recommending the following action steps for everyone here in the months of
October & November of 2021.
#1) Prepare your supplies. This includes an emergency/blackout kit, food stocks, medications/supplements and a great deal more. There are several fantastic prepping sites out there and at this point, you have no excuse for being unprepared.
Read what it was like to live through a full blown economic & political collapse of a country below… and then go and get your sh*t together, please.
#2: Prepare physically for another lockdown. If you are still reliant on a gym, break that habit and begin building a home workout area. Essential home workout gear like padded mats, punching bags, elastic bands, hand weights and kettlebells can all be had at a steep discount at your local Ross, Marshalls, Kohl’s, etc.
In addition, there are literally hundreds of thousands of home workout videos for any age or skill level on YouTube (regardless of what you think of it). With all due respect, my best direction for you is to keep moving – regardless of how motivated you may be. Whether it be walking/running, yoga, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping rope, or something more gentle like stretching or Tai Chi – it doesn’t matter what, really. Just make sure you’re doing something physical every single day. It will help to maintain balance in all areas of your life during times of extreme stress.
#3: Prepare energetically for where we’re headed. As the meme above might falsely lead you to believe, I’m not suggesting you start buying lavender by the metric ton;). I would suggest however, that you make it a point to prepare on an energetic or spiritual level for this next period of time. It will be a time where we will take losses, sadly. Many people will lose their jobs, their educations, their families, their fortunes…
and some will even lose their lives.
Again, I’ll say that if you’re reading this, you’re already stronger than you know. I want you to focus on building your inner strength, your sense of a “stiff upper lip”, your ability to persevere in hard times.
Make yourself emotionally unbreakable.
How, you ask?
#4: Pace yourself/rest. This Great Awakening event process is a marathon, not a sprint. Every day will be energetically different, and our sense of time and reality will be distorted. We will receive great news, and we will receive tragic news.
We are in uncharted waters on many levels, and in order to navigate these waters, The Captain (You) must rest when they can.
Allow capable others to steer the ship when you cannot. Is that clear for some of you? The Great Awakening process is a team effort, and the responsibility for saving the world doesn’t fall on your shoulders alone.
When you are tired, rest. Listen to your body when it asks you for time to recharge.
In fact, a new mattress might serve some of you well as a low cost/high return investment in your near term health & wellness.
A nighttime supplement stack including Magnesium Glycinate, Choline + B1, low dose Melatonin, and L-Theanine is also highly suggested for maximizing your rest/sleep process.
#4: LET IT GO. A great deal of this Great Awakening process is about getting you & I to let go of things that no longer serve us, at least in their current forms. Unfortunately, this means about 75% of reality has to be either seriously overhauled or thrown out, if we truly want to move on, or as I so often call it, graduate.
This letting go process must happen on the individual and collective levels, whether we like it or not – meaning the harder we resist, and try to hang on to the old ways, the old system, the old paradigms, the tougher this Awakening transition will be.
One of my coaching clients constantly used the word “struggle”, implying the things they were going over in their heads, often to the point of negative rumination, but never letting go.
I reminded them that it takes 2 to “struggle”. When one party lets go, the struggle ends.
In the next 120 days, do whatever you can to lighten your load in all areas: your physical stuff, your mental baggage, old hurts, resentments, habits and addictions…
let them go. Where we’re headed, these things no longer serve us.
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